Monday, October 27, 2008


Talk about a slacker! Sorry everyone. My computer is still having issues with getting pictures from the camera to the computer but we will give it a shot. Wow! I can't believe it's the last week of October. Let's see what's been going on? Jacob finished his fall soccer season and then started flag football. This weekend he started basketball. Ryan had a great football season. We can't believe that is over already. He keeps talking about what he is going to do now. He also went to Homecoming and recently got asked to Preference. He gave his answer by carving the word "yes" in a pumpkin and then leaving it on her front porch.

Jacob playing goalie, he did awesome!

Ryan's Homecoming

Getting asked to preference


josh and jacqs said...

that is a really cute way to ask to a dance, and to answer!!! So i guess your computer is working again!!?